Volunteer as a Peer Notetaker

How to Get Started

If you would like to volunteer as a Notetaker and share your notes with students with disabilities, please follow these steps to get signed up.


  • Click on the Volunteer Notetaker Login button above.
  • Choose “Sign-up as a Notetaker.”
  • Provide the required information.
  • Enter in the course registration number (CRN) for each course for which you are taking notes.
  • You will receive an email confirmation stating you have been matched/assigned to a course.
  • Once you are matched/assigned, you will receive an email notification with your final sign-up steps and then you can begin uploading your notes into the system.
  • You will also receive an invite to the Notetaking Assistance Program Canvas site where you’ll be able to access all modules that can be completed if you wish to receive the stipend at the end of the semester. More info regarding stipends below.

Notetaker Stipend Information

$75 (1 class) and $100 (2+ classes):


  • Complete all Canvas modules by the deadline date.
  • Notes must be uploaded within 1-2 business days of the class period.
  • Notes must be legible and in a format accepted by the student.


*Stipend amounts are based on the total number of courses notes were taken for, not per course. For example, if you took notes in two courses and completed all modules/requirements…you would be eligible for $100 total.*