Outreach Opportunities

Disability Education and Programming

Educational programming is the first step to advocating for equal access and inclusion. Throughout the year, the Disability Center hosts various programs and events to raise awareness about how members of the campus community can create an accessible environment and celebrate disability history and culture.


Signature events include Disability Culture Month in September and the Disability Center Graduation Reception and Cord ceremony held at the end of the fall and spring semester. Other events and workshops are held throughout the academic year for students, faculty and staff.

Meeting Groups' Needs

Campus groups, including faculty, departments and student organizations, can request a Disability Center staff member to come and discuss a disability topic that directly relates to their activities or way of work.


Topics staff can present on include, but are not limited to:

  • General overview of the Disability Center, including its mission, policies, procedures and who may qualify for accommodations.
  • How specific accommodations are executed and the role faculty, students and Disability Center staff have in their implementation.
  • How principles of universal design can be incorporated into meetings, classes and events to improve barriers to access for all students.
  • The disability rights movement and how disability culture and identity has evolved in the United States.

Request a Presentation or Workshop


Identify what disability education topic best fits the group.


Email disabilitycenter@missouri.edu to provide us with the topic, desired time and contact information.


The Disability Center will reach out to to set up the program.

Timeline Note

A 2-week timeframe is preferred. Specific times during the semester, like the beginning of the fall semester, are busier than others. The Disability Center reserves the right to delay the educational program until groups’ needs can be met.