Peer Notetaker Guide for Instructors

Recruiting Notetakers

Peer notetakers are generally students enrolled in the same class who volunteer to regularly share copies of their notes.


To help us identify a peer notetaker, we ask that you help us with the recruitment process and will reach out to you via email to start the process.


  • Make an announcement in class. If you choose to make an announcement, please do not identify the student with the accommodation. Information about the individual student should be kept confidential.
  • Post an announcement of the Notetaker Request slide on Canvas. The Disability Center can provide you with an example slide, if needed.
  • Ask someone in your class who you feel would provide sufficient and adequate notes if they’d be willing to volunteer.
  • Ask a TA/GA to share their notes (if possible).

During the recruitment phase, we ask that you provide the following support to the student requesting the accommodation:

  • Provide the student a copy of your slides and/or class notes, if available.
  • Allow the student to record the class using their own device (e.g. cell phone, laptop) so they have access to the audio for review.

Benefits of Being a Peer Notetaker

Notetaking is an easy volunteer opportunity for students who attend class and take notes regularly.


Benefits to serving as a peer notetaker include:

  • The ability to include the volunteer experience on a resume.
  • Enhanced learning as peer notetakers report taking better notes and listening more attentively.
  • Notetakers who are consistent and timely with note submissions may also be eligible to receive a stipend at the end of the semester (up to $100).


Students interested in becoming notetakers can email the accommodations coordinator, who will then instruct them on how the program works and how to get signed up.