Flexible Attendance & Deadlines

About Flexible Attendance & Deadlines

Students are expected to follow established classroom attendance and deadline policies. However, some disabilities are episodic in nature resulting in students occasionally missing class or an assignment deadline. Flex accommodations build in a limited amount of flexibility to address the impact of acute exacerbations of a student’s disability on attendance and deadline completions.

Flexible deadlines are typically not approved for students who have concerns about deadlines due to difficulty with time management or course loads. Instead, students in these situations are often encouraged to consider a reduced course load or utilize academic coaching.


  • The Disability Center recognizes the importance of attending class and completing assignments on time. These accommodations are not meant to allow students to miss as many classes as they want or to never have to submit work by the established deadline.
  • The appropriate level of flexibility granted to students is highly dependent on the design of the course. Instructors should assess the impact of attendance and deadlines on the class and determine what accommodations can be made. The following questions have been provided by the Office of Civil rights to determine the appropriateness of the accommodation:

Consider the following.

  • Do students interact with each other and with the instructor?
  • Do student contributions in class constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely on student participation as an essential method for learning?
  • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • What do the course description and syllabus say?
  • What method is used to calculate the final grade?
  • What are the classroom practices and policies regarding attendance?

Consider the following:

  • To what degree does a student’s failure to submit work timely constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely on meeting deadlines as an essential component for learning?
  • What do the course description and syllabus say?
  • What method is used to calculate the final grade?
  • What are the classroom practices and policies regarding deadlines?

  • Clear communication is critical in ensuring all parties understand the parameters of the accommodation. To that end, we ask faculty to complete a “Flex Plan” within the instructor portal. This plan is reviewed by the Disability Center staff and allows faculty, student, and our office to have a shared document outlining how the accommodation can be implemented in the course.
  • Our staff are available to support faculty and students regarding these accommodations; please reach out at any point in the process if you have concerns or questions.


Consider these scenarios and whether the solutions provided would be suitable for your classes.

An instructor allows three absences. Upon the fourth absence, students’ grades drop by a letter.
Solution: The instructor permits a student with an accommodation for flexible attendance six absences and 24 hours to make up any work missed.

A foreign language course does not allow flexibility regarding attendance, as learning depends on classroom interactions.
Solution: A student is hospitalized and cannot complete a presentation. The instructor allows the student to make up the presentation.

An instructor gives clicker points for attendance.
Solution: The instructor allows a student with an accommodation for flexible attendance to respond to questions via email. However, the student must contact the instructor and answer questions within 24 hours of class.

An instructor agrees that a student with an accommodation for flexible attendance is permitted to miss class more often than classmates as long as all of the work is completed. However, it is nearing the end of the semester and student has not turned in assignments, has not been in contact with the instructor, and has not attended class.
Solution: In this case, the instructor would not be expected to extend deadlines as student has not taken responsibility for maintaining communication and is not completing course work.