
How to Find the Disability Center

The Disability Center is located on the the lower level of Memorial Union on the University of Missouri campus. The office can be accessed through a ground-level entrance at the southeast corner of the building. 

S5 Memorial Union
University of Missouri
Columbia MO 65211

Picture of Memorial Union from the street.


8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Closed on university holidays

Parking Information

  • Memorial Union visitor lot is a metered lot directly behind the Union. Access this lot at the corner of University Avenue and Matthews Street. There is a small sign indicating the lot entrance. Accessible parking is located on the left side of the lot when driving from University Avenue.
  • Hitt Street visitor lot is a metered lot located next to the MU Student Center. Accessible parking is located immediately to the right and in front of the entrance of the lot. Access this lot by Hitt Street.
  • University parking garage can be accessed from University Avenue. Accessible parking is located on the lowest level. There are no elevators in this garage. Note: This is a permit-only parking structure.

Contact the Disability Center