Submit an Exam Request

About Submitting a Request

A student’s request is not fully approved until reviewed by the instructor and the Disability Center exams staff. All exams (during weeks 1-14) require at least 7 days’ notice during the fall and spring semesters. Exams during weeks 15 and 16 have a separate deadline date which will be sent out during a determined date each semester.

Exams during summer sessions require five days’ notice.

Students are highly encouraged to submit all their exam requests at the beginning of the semester to avoid missing the deadline. Late requests will be approved case-by-case by the exams coordinator and are not guaranteed. 


Before completing the steps below, an accommodation letter must be requested in myAccess.


  1. Log in to myAccess, select “Alternative Testing” from the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Select the course for which an exam is being requested.
  3. Select the exam type (exam, quiz, final).
  4. Provide the date and time the exam is to be administered, if not already provided by the instructor.
  5. Select the accommodations to be used for the exam.
  6. Select if the exam is located on Canvas.
  7. Click “Add Exam Request.”

Exam Scheduling Guidelines

  • When scheduling to take an exam through the Disability Center, requests must be submitted in a timely manner. Each semester has a different request date expectation.
  • Exams must be taken during the regularly scheduled class exam time unless prior approval is given by the course instructor. Approvals must be sent to the exams office in a timely manner.
  • Students are responsible for resolving any scheduling conflicts such as exam date/time changes, exam times overlapping with another class, exams scheduled at times which conflict with accommodations, etc. and must be resolved in adequate time (typically at least seven days in advance) or else the changes may not be accepted and/or made.